If you find yourself struggling with drugs or alcohol, you may need help from a residential addiction treatment program. Atlanta Detox Center provides a full continuum of care for people having trouble breaking free of their addictive behaviors. Even if you’ve tried and failed before at your efforts at getting clean, there’s still reason to hope that you can find a path toward getting healthy physically and mentally. Residential addiction treatment programs give you the time and space to work through the issues driving your addiction.

What Is a Residential Addiction Treatment Program?

Residential addiction treatment programs, like the one offered at Atlanta Detox Center, provide round-the-clock care to clients seeking help for substance use disorders. They’re different from inpatient treatment programs, which are more structured and held in a hospital-like setting.

Many clients come to us needing help getting through withdrawal from drugs or alcohol. Atlanta Detox Center offers a detox treatment program that provides clients with medical supervision while they go through withdrawal. Once they clear their system of any toxins left by substance abuse in our residential detox, the Atlanta Detox Center staff discusses various treatment options with clients.

Residential addiction treatment programs give clients time to work through any issues that keep them from moving forward. Our counseling and therapy programs teach them about personal responsibility and how to stop self-destructive behavior. Clients start understanding the possibilities available to them in a life free of substance abuse.

How Do I Know if I Need a Detox Treatment Program?

If you’re to the point where you can’t think of anything other than getting more drugs into your system, you may be in a state where you require a detox treatment program. Signs that you may need intensive treatment for your addiction include:

  • An inability to control your emotional reactions
  • Being unable to find happiness in anything other than substance abuse
  • Resorting to illegal activities to obtain more drugs
  • Dealing with issues in your relationships
  • Not being able to take care of personal responsibilities because of substance abuse

If you end up at a point where your addiction is out of control, enrolling in a detox program may be your best option. Atlanta Detox Center provides 24-7 monitoring to clients as they go through withdrawal. It’s a safer option than trying to go cold-turkey. You could end up having a medical emergency that jeopardizes your health and your life.

What Happens in a Residential Addiction Treatment Program?

While there are more relaxed restrictions, clients typically follow a program that includes therapy sessions and counseling. It provides them with the structure that may have been lacking for a long time. Learning to handle a daily routine and take care of chores is part of the process of learning to live life without abusing substances.

Getting away from outside influences gives you the chance to focus on yourself. Your main goal is to get well and learn strategies for navigating triggers that might tempt you back into a life of addiction. You also get the opportunity to learn from other residents who have gone through similar struggles.

The Atlanta Detox Center’s supportive environment encourages clients to embrace the chance to get a fresh start in life. We reinforce the truth about addiction. It is a chronic illness that requires a full continuum of care for the mind, body, and spirit. Attending therapy sessions teaches clients how to change their reactions to situations and provides them with tools to avoid a relapse. Therapies offered at our facility include:

Get Help for Addiction Today in Our Residential Addiction Treatment Programs

Get more in-depth details about our residential addiction treatment programs and services by calling 470-450-2355.

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