If you or your loved ones start showing severe symptoms of addiction to alcohol, seek professional help immediately. Alcohol causes the death of tens of thousands of Americans annually. In addition, alcohol use is among the top five preventable causes of death. It is crucial to recognize addiction to know when your loved one needs medical attention from Atlanta Detox Center before the situation worsens. If you’re battling an addiction to alcohol or another substance, it’s time to get treatment. Contact us today at 844-658-0927 to learn more.

Trying to Quit Unsuccessfully

Most people who are struggling with alcohol abuse would wish to stop. However, quitting is not easy as alcohol withdrawal and cravings can be overwhelming. If you are trying to stop drinking without success, the chances are that you have already developed a dependency and even tolerance. As such, you will need professional help from a successful alcohol detox center program in Georgia.

Lying About or Hiding Your Drinking

It is common for society to stigmatize people with alcohol use disorders. To avoid shame, alcoholics try to hide their drinking habits.

However, there are several ways to identify the common signs of addiction, including:

  • Hiding alcohol in unlikely containers, for instance, water and soft drink bottles
  • Hiding alcohol in the closet, under the bed, and bathroom
  • Lying about drinking habits
  • Avoiding alcohol-related topics in conversations
  • Drinking secretly

If you or your loved ones engage in denial tactics (mostly to avoid stigmatization or show that alcohol isn’t an issue), it is a sign of addiction and a sign that you should seek help from an alcohol addiction treatment program.

Drinking to Feel Better

Most people with severe symptoms of addiction to any substance start using due to psychological reasons, peer pressure, or childhood trauma. People use alcohol as a coping mechanism for emotional disorders, such as economic hardships, trauma, anxiety, depression, or stress. In such cases, it does not take long for it to graduate to an addiction.

Drinking in Risky and Odd Situations

Engaging in frequent alcohol consumption, notwithstanding the surrounding circumstances, is one of the primary alcohol addiction symptoms. For instance, if you need to drink before work in order to function, you may be battling symptoms of addiction to alcohol. In addition, people may drink against their physician’s instructions and when they are using prescription medication. These are warning signs of a substance abuse problem that is deteriorating.

Developing Dependency and Tolerance

Dependence, excessive cravings, and tolerance are other signs of addiction to watch out for. When you reach a point where you need to increase the quantity of alcohol to achieve the same high as before, it means your body has developed a tolerance.

Alcohol dependency is a situation where you have to drink to feel normal. When your cravings for alcohol keep intensifying, and you are facing tolerance and dependence, visit a drug and alcohol detox center for professional help.

Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms of Addiction

Alcohol addiction symptoms, as well as symptoms of withdrawal, are different from hangovers. Withdrawals are your body’s response to the absence of alcohol instead of the presence of excess alcohol. If you start to feel ill-tempered, weary, sad, nauseous, or restless when you have not consumed alcohol, you are in withdrawal.

Other common withdrawal symptoms include insomnia, loss of appetite, feeling weak, and tremors.

Learn More at Atlanta Detox Center

To overcome alcohol use disorders, reach out to the Atlanta Detox Center for various treatment programs, including:

Although the road to recovery can seem like an overwhelming journey, it is worthwhile. At the Atlanta Detox Center, we can help you manage and treat the symptoms of addiction and alcohol withdrawal. Contact Atlanta Detox Center today at 844-658-0927 for more details.

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