Detox symptoms are the signs that a patient exhibits as a result of detoxifying. Patients will show a variety of symptoms. For some, detox symptoms may not be severe and they can manage them while at the comfort of their homes. For others, the symptoms might be so severe. They will need to be under the care of a doctor who will prescribe medication to help them deal with the pain at a drug detox center program. Detox symptoms also vary in terms of the period they manifest themselves in individuals. Some may take as little as a week while others could extend for months. Atlanta Detox Center is here to provide you with information about detox and address any concerns you may have.

Detox Symptoms

The symptoms vary depending on the drug addiction that the patient suffers from. But some symptoms are common to all these drugs. When you notice them in an individual, it might be a good indicator that the body is eliminating the toxins.

These symptoms include:

  • Mood swings: The detox process interrupts the patient’s normal mood cycle. They may begin to be constantly gloomy even if they are not provoked.
  • Anxiety: Because of their drug dependence to function, patients may exhibit anxiety as they go through detox. It is best to encourage them to try and relax. Sometimes, therapies are available to help with this anxiety.
  • Loss of appetite: Loss of appetite is a common detox symptom for many drugs. It makes the patient susceptible to rapid weight loss.
  • Disruption of the sleep pattern: The patient may either develop insomnia or a tendency to sleep too much during detox.
  • Depression: This is a mental illness that can result from addiction. It makes the patient feel hopeless about their recovery and life in general.

The Necessity of Detox

Some people might not understand the essence of detox in a drug addiction treatment program. They ask themselves why detox is necessary and why it is often uncomfortable and severe. These are the questions that could discourage someone from enrolling for a detox program. Therefore, there is a need to provide some clarity for their concerns.

First, detox is a process that helps get rid of toxins from the body. These are the toxins that have built up in the body as a result of drug use. It is necessary to remove these toxins if you want to free your body of addictive substances.

Additionally, a detox program helps the patient to gradually stop drug use. Once someone has become dependent on a drug, it is dangerous for them to just stop abruptly. The withdrawal symptoms that accompany this form of quitting are more severe. They can lead to death quite easily and fast.

Detox programs enable the patient to quit drug abuse in phases. The tolerance level of the user decreases slowly as they progress into successive phases of the treatment. In detox, our professional Atlanta Detox Center staff will provide medication just in case the withdrawal becomes too uncomfortable for the patient. The medicine will help reduce the pain from the withdrawal. Therefore, the patient finds the encouragement to proceed with the treatment unlike in cases where they skip detox.

Approaches to Dealing with Detox Symptoms at Atlanta Detox Center

Below are some of the treatment approaches offered by the facility:

  • Cognitive-behavioral therapy: CBT seeks to repair the body’s reward mechanism so that the brain does not depend on substance use as a coping mechanism.
  • Motivational interviewing: This is a face to face session with a therapist. It seeks to encourage the patient to state willingly what can motivate them to complete the detox process. The therapist then encourages the patient to follow through on the proposals with actions.
  • Group therapy: Group therapy enables several detox patients to discuss their journey in detoxification. They get to highlight the struggles that they face and propose solutions to these problems amongst themselves.
  • Aftercare: This tracks the patient’s progress after the detox period to help them maintain their sobriety.

Experiencing Detox Symptoms? Visit Atlanta Detox Center Today

Detox symptoms can discourage you from seeking addiction treatment. But these symptoms are manageable. They should not be an obstacle to your recovery journey. To overcome them, you should enroll in a detox facility. Contact Atlanta Detox Center today at 844-658-0927 and we will help you cope with the detox symptoms and reach recovery.