Anxiety can overlap with several behavioral and emotional issues, including substance use disorders and depression. According to studies, individuals with an anxiety disorder are at a higher risk of developing substance dependency. It is unclear how people develop co-occurring disorders, but statistics show that self-medication can play a significant role. Taking drugs to escape the uncomfortable feeling does not help as it only worsens your situation. Atlanta Detox Center reveals how anxiety and addiction relate.

Understanding Anxiety and Addiction

Long-term use of drugs and substances causes brain changes. As a result, you will spend most of your time focusing on obtaining the intoxicating substance. Anxiety may occur if this fails because of the painful withdrawal symptoms. Continued abuse can also lead to worry due to potential issues that you may face.

The solution is to quit substance abuse and seek rehab treatment for the symptoms of anxiety disorder. People who decide to stop substance abuse without rehab programs risk relapse due to the painful withdrawal symptoms. Some of these symptoms are fatal, and this is where a rehab facility comes into play.

You can start a long-term recovery journey in a safe environment during anxiety and addiction treatment in GA when you check into rehab. For a holistic approach, therapists often combine several treatment programs, such as:

Causes of an Anxiety Disorder

Studies reveal that environmental, psychological, and biological factors can cause the disorder. Cortisol and serotonin have a connection to anxiety and depression.

Anxiety may make it difficult for you to cope with stressful situations due to genetic reasons. As such, people with anxiety may be oversensitive to unfamiliar situations and stress. Another significant factor is family history. If you are from a family with a history of anxiety and panic disorders, you are at a higher risk of developing the conditions.

Bipolar disorder and depression can also cause anxiety. If you have this problem, do not try to self-medicate with alcohol and drugs. It would help to seek a reliable anxiety and substance abuse treatment program for a successful recovery.

Treatment for Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders

Rehabs focus on treating the victims of co-occurring disorders. While anxiety treatment may not coincide with substance abuse treatment, professionals understand the importance of solving both problems.

Anxiety can enhance the adversity of drug and alcohol abuse, causing relapse. If you have an anxiety disorder, continued substance abuse can worsen your situation, leading to suicidal tendencies. A comprehensive treatment plan focuses on these issues for long-term recovery and minimizing the likelihood of relapse.

Therapists use evidence-based therapies and medication for anxiety treatment. Discuss with your healthcare provider before starting addiction treatment to get a personalized strategy for the best results.

There are several medications that experts can use to help you cope with the symptoms of an anxiety disorder, including:

  • Beta-blockers
  • Anti-anxiety drugs
  • Monoamine oxidase inhibitors
  • Tricyclics
  • Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)

Your therapist may combine medications with evidence-based therapies for the desired results. For example, CBT enables victims to alter how they react to stressful situations. You can also attend group therapy during addiction treatment in GA to learn healthy skills for stress management. The techniques are helpful to individuals who engage in substance abuse due to the inability to deal with stressors.

Get Mental Health Treatment at Atlanta Detox Center

Are you struggling with anxiety and addiction? These disorders can cause severe problems if left untreated, so seek professional help today. Contact Atlanta Detox Center at 844-658-0927 and start your journey to recovery.

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